So I downloaded it, finding the writing was as good, if not better, than the articles indicated.

I heard about the game not as a loli production, which I did understand when reading a couple articles, but the storyline was what stood out for me. A lot of the games, manga and anime as well, throw in a lot of hentai seemingly adding a storyline as if second thought, if that. This is a game with a wonderful storyline, soundtrack, artwork, etc. My Review: This is what every hentai game should be. Taking this new job seriously, he heads out on various leads and clues until. The front, Federal Office for the Implementation of the Oktoberfest, is actually the top secret district office for the Bundeskriminalamt (BKA), also known as Federal Criminal Police Office, in the cybercrime division's Section for the Eradication of Child Sex-abuse (SECS). Once there he finds his job isn't what he thought but rather being an investigator for films and filmmakers of loli content. Summary: Forced by the government welfare dept, Bernd Lauert, 24 year-old, self-described NEET NEET is a young person who is "Not in Education, Employment, or Training"., leaves the city and his parents basement moving to a backwoods town, Unteralterbach, as computer technician.
License: Freeware ( download via BerndSoft's site) It denotes a sexually attractive female, usually several years older than the person using the term.

Floating Textbox Floating Textbox - The textbox is not in a fixed position, but may appear in different places and sizes on the screen.Eroge Eroge (エロゲ or エロゲー erogē A portmanteau of erotic game: (エロチックゲーム erochikku gēmu)) - A Japanese pornographic video game where the game is primarily the chief component and hentai content adds spice.Title: Bernd und das Rätsel um UnteralterbachĪlias: Bernd and the Mystery of Unteralterbach Disclaimer: Not a lolicon or the like, I prefer older women, men, what-have-you as in 25-30+ years-old.